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Busy property


Applies to

TVCLUnZip component



property Busy: Boolean;



The Busy property will be True during any UnZip or Zip operations.  Checking this will allow you to start an operation, go on and do something else while the operation is executing in the background.  If you write your application in this way, check to be sure this property is False before beginning another operation.  


IMPORTANT:  Do not try to modify any of VCLZip or VCLUnZip's properties while the Busy property is True.  You may do some background processing, but don't try to modify any properties during this time since those properties are still being used by the component.  


In order for this property to have any meaning when True, the DoProcessMessages Property should be set to True also.  Otherwise the Zip or UnZip operation won't relinquish control of the CPU for you to do other things.  


Run-time only
