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IncompleteZipMode property


Applies to

TVCLUnZip component



property IncompleteZipMode: TIncompleteZipMode = (izAssumeMulti, izAssumeBad, izAssumeNotAZip);



The IncompleteZipMode property determines how VCLZip will behave when a file that does not have an End Of Central Directory header is encountered.  This would mean one of the three following possibilities:  


1. This is part of a multi-file zipfile and it is not the last file/disk in the set. 

2. It is a bad zip file - corrupted or truncated 

3. The file is not a zip file 


How VCLZip behaves depends also on whether or not you have defined an OnIncompleteZip event.  

See the OnInCompleteZip Event for complete details.