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OnUnZipComplete Event 


Applies to

TVCLUnZip component



property OnUnZipComplete: TUnZipComplete = procedure(sender: TObject; FileCount: Integer); of object;




The OnUnZipComplete event handler is triggered at the very end of an UnZip process, after ALL files have been unzipped. Note that this event is not triggered after each file is unzipped.  For that you would use the OnEndUnZip Event.  


The FileCount parameter that is passed into the event contains the total number of files that were successfully unzipped.  


This event will rarely be used since the same information can be obtained from the return value from the call to the UnZip Method.  This event is mainly can be useful when using VCLZip in threads where in certain circumstances the return from the UnZip method is not seen.  


See Also:  


OnZipComplete Event, OnEndUnZip Event