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Pathname property


Applies to

TVCLUnZip component



property Pathname[Index]: Integer: TZipPathname;



The Pathname property returns just the pathname portion of the file, without the filename.  This does include a '\' at the end.  


If you are using VCLZip, this property is also writable.  Once you have opened up a zip file you may set this property, thereby modifying what is already contained by this property.  It is up to you to be sure not to modify this in such a way that you would end up with two files in the zip archive with the same Filename and Pathname.  


If you do set Pathname, the archive will be flagged as modified.  After setting all of the Pathnames that you wish to set, you should call the SaveModifiedZipFile Method to save the archive with the new Pathnames.  


Reading Pathname: 


ThisPath  := VCLZip.Pathname[i]; 


Writing Pathname: 


VCLZip.Pathname[i] := NewPath; 



Run-time only
