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ZipName property


Applies to

TVCLUnZip component



property ZipName: string;



The ZipName property specifies the path and name of the zipfile that you plan to work with. This must, ofcourse, be set before you can do anything with or get information from the zipfile.  After setting the ZipName you should call ReadZip to cause the zipfile's information to be read (Calling ReadZip is optional if you do not plan to access the Indexed Properties before unzipping files. Performing any operation will cause ReadZip to be automatically called if it hasn't already been called).  


Setting ZipName to a '?' will cause a fileopen dialogbox to be displayed so that a file can be selected.  If you set ZipName to '?' and the user presses the cancel button on the FileOpen dialog box, a EUserCanceled exception will be thrown and ZipName, along with all other properties will remain unchanged.  You may include a pathname along with the '?' if you wish the fileopen dialog box to begin in a certain directory.  For example 


ZipName := 'c:\backup\?'  


will cause a fileopen dialog box to be displayed beginning in the directory c:\backup