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UnZipToStream method


Applies to

TVCLUnZip component



function UnZipToStream(theStream: TkpStream; FName: string): Integer;

// D4,D5,BCB4,BCB5 only...

function UnZipToStream(theStream: TStream; FName: string): Integer; overload;




The UnZipToStream method unzips the file specified by theFile parameter from the zip file specified by the ZipName Property or from the ArchiveStream directly to the stream specified by theStream parameter. 


The overloaded version of this method that is defined for D4, D5, BCB4, and BCB5 only, allow these versions of Delphi/BCB to unzip to a normal TStream.  Note that you should not do this if there is a chance that the file you are unzipping might be larger than 2 gig in size since TStreams in these versions do not handle files larger than this.